Attention — Stop updating in English, look on the French or German side to be up to date. Thank you, Thomas.
Here you will find all the important information and meetings concerning the association of our graduates and friends of the integrated studies in Physics. In short, SaarLorLuMNI.
Best regards
Astrid, Ravi und Anna-Lena
If you have any questions, suggestions or proposals to the association, send an email to the managing committee:
About us
Here is the statute of our association along with the amount of contribution towards the association. Here is the membership application available for download. After filling the form, you can choose to send it either by email or by post.
Our Logo

Finally we have a logo!
Endlich haben wir ein Logo. This was created by a graphic designer in cooperation with the committee in 2013/2014.
What was the idea behind?
Most of us participate in the trinational studies in Physics (phi) in the Saar-Lor-Lux region (triangle). After graduating, we continue to pursue our goal in different parts of the world (outward arrows). The colours again represent the partner universities.
Please have a look on the german or french side for up to date informations
Prize for the best presentation of master/bachelor of SLLS in Physics
Save the Date!!!
The presentation takes place on Friday 16th of October 2015 in Luxembourg. The procedure is likely to be similar to that of last year.
Participation is open to all students who have completed their bachelor or master this year. All other students are also welcome!
The event is supported by the DFH. Travel expenses will be reimbursed for active participants.