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Our photo archive
This page shows some photos of important events, as well as social occasions, of the students in our programme.
Award ceremony of diplomas 2017
24.11.2017 in Nancy
On 24.11.2017, in Nancy we celebrated the award ceremony for the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in 2017 and, as in previous years, the opportunity to exchange ideas at some light refreshments. What is new is that since this year the location of the award is moving anti-cyclically (no longer cyclically), say Nancy-Sarrbrücken-Luxemborg-Nancy... One student drew our attention to the fact that otherwise the awarding place always follows the students moving year by year. Our students move normally every year, however in the order Nancy-Luxembourg-Saarbrücken-Nancy, cyclical.

Presentation and registration day 2017
23.06.2017 in Nancy
On 23.06.2017 we had our annual information and registration day. We presented the course and helped our future students to complete the forms for enrollments. Afterwards, the weather caused to a city tour through Nancy. The accompanying parents are not present on the group photo.

Annual meeting in Saarbrücken
06.05.2017 in Saarbrücken
On Saturday a meeting took place in Saarbrücken with students from all years. Students in their first year in Nancy had the opportunity to visit the hall of residence that they will be living in the last year. We were able to share our experiences, as well as some tips with the different universities and cities, over the dinner. Information on leisure activities and the universities was also exchanged.

Award ceremony of diplomas 2016
02.12.2016 in Luxembourg
On 02.12.2016 the award ceremony for bachelor and master students were held in Luxembourg. Similar to the years before, some light refreshments accompanied a casual talk among the students and professors afterwards.

Award Ceremony
16.09.2016 in Nancy

The award ceremony for the best presentation of the Bachelor/Master thesis of students of the Saar-Lor-Lux study program in Physics took place on Friday, September 16th 2016, in Nancy. We would like to thank all participants for their excellent presentations and mention eminently this years prize winners:
First place (prize money 300€) is awarded to Klaus Kades for his presentation of his Bachelor thesis titled "Numeric reconstruction of quantum states".
Second place (prize money 200€) is awarded to Kim Hermann for her presentation of her Bachelor thesis titled "Stochastic quantum walks in photosynthesis".
Hence, the total sum of the prize money added up to 500€ founded by the Association of Alumni of the Saar-Lor-Lux study program in physics. In addition, every participant received a book prize.
Presentation and registration day 2016
08.07.2016 in Nancy

At Juli 07, 2015 seven possible students visited our Presentation and registration day.
Annual meeting in Luxembourg
14.05.2016 in Luxembourg
On Saturday a meeting took place in Luxembourg with students from all years. Students in their first year in Nancy had the opportunity to visit the hall of residence that they will be living in next year. We were able to share our experiences, as well as some tips with the different universities and cities, over a picnic and then the dinner. Information on leisure activities and the universities was also exchanged. - Julia

16.12.2015 in Saarbrücken
Our students Ségolène, Aubin, Jonas und Lara from the first year of bachelor at the Christmas market in Strasbourg.

Award ceremony of diplomas 2015
04.12.2015 in Nancy
On 04.12.2015 the award ceremony for bachelor and master students were held in Nancy. Similar to the years before, some light refreshments accompanied a casual talk among the students and professors afterwards.

Award ceremony of diplomas 2014 2014
21.11.2014 in Saarbrücken

Award ceremony of diplomas 2013
13.12.2013 in Luxembourg

Award ceremony of diplomas 2012
14.12.2012 in Nancy

Award ceremony of diplomas 2011
02.12.2011 in Saarbrücken

Award ceremony of diplomase 2010
19.11.2010 in Luxembourg

Award ceremony of diplomas 2008
16.12.2008 in Saarbrücken