Attention — Stop updating in English, look on the French or German side to be up to date. Thank you, Thomas.
— · — · N e w s · — · —

Attention !!! Here you can find the News of the study program until summer 2018. For more up to date News, please look in the News of French or German side. Also keep in mind, all of our students and Alumni keep in contact via a private Facebook page and a WhatsApp group, in which information and meetings are exchanged and arranged. If you are interested in how students from different year groups interact with each other, please contact the web admin for access
!!! Stop Updating News in Englisch !!!
Summer 2018

Please note, I stoped the updating of the News in English in Summer 2018.
Please look on the French or German Webside for up to date News.
Thank you, Thomas, web admin.
Presentation and registration day in Nancy on Friday 06.07.2018 from 10am
Details as pdf

Please note in your calendar: we cordially invite you to join our presentation and registration day in Nancy on Friday 06.07.2018 from 10am. We would love to meet you there. More details comming soon. If you are very interested, please have a look at the announcement of 2017 below.
Day of the open door at Universität des Saarlandes
Mai 26 -- Link to the official announcement

The Universität des Saarlandes offers the day of the open door at Sat. 26.05.2018. There is a full day entertainment on the university campus and also an substantial program from our physical department, see here
Celebration of Bachelor/Master Certificates 2017

The anual celebration of Bachelor/Master certificates was in Nancy on Friday the 24.11.2017 at 4:00 pm in Amphi 7. As in previous years, the opportunity to exchange ideas at some light refreshments. What is new is that since this year the location of the award is moving anti-cyclically (no longer cyclically), say Nancy-Sarrbrücken-Luxemborg-Nancy... One student drew our attention to the fact that otherwise the awarding place always follows the students moving year by year. Our students move normally every year, however in the order Nancy-Luxembourg-Saarbrücken-Nancy, cyclical.
Also have a look on the pictures in the galerie.
New -open access- Online Journal, aimed at Students

An -open access- online journal has been published. It is aimed specifically at students and upcoming young scientists. It is supported by the French Academy of Sciences and the Sociéte Français de Physiquie.
Stammtisch Metz at September 28. 7pm

Invitation in French, more details as pdf
Bonjour à tous,
Le Stammtisch Metz organise le 28 septembre son premier Stammtisch de l'année universitaire 2017-2018.
Merci d'en informer vos étudiants.
Ces initiatives du Stammtisch Metz ne peuvent que renforcer la dynamique franco-allemande en Lorraine
et, par voie de conséquence, mérite tout notre soutien.
Le Stammtisch est ouvert non seulement aux étudiants mais aussi aux enseignants ou toute autre personne intéressée par le franco-allemand.
Très bon weekend à tous
German-French summer school 23.08.-02.09.2017

Would you like?
- Learn French? (Without lessons!)
- Working in a team on Franco-German projects?
- In a friendly atmosphere, make an intercultural experience?
Online courses in Mathematics

As in the last year, for those who wish to prepare for the upcoming summer semester, an online mathematics course OMB+ is now available. We recommend everyone to partake in order to refresh your maths skills prior to enrollment. Registration is required but it is worth it!
Update: Presentation and registration day

The information day in Nancy is over. We are looking forward to 8 future students. Regardless of this, you can still make an application until 01. Sep. Send an e-mail as a request to one of the program managers in German or in French or in English. See Contact
Presentation and registration day in Nancy on Friday 23.06.2017 from 10am
Details as pdf

Please note in your calendar: we cordially invite you to join our presentation and registration day in Nancy on Friday 23.06.2017 from 10am. We would love to meet you there.
The SLL-program in the journal of the german universities.
Link to the press release of the DFH

The German Universitätszeitung has published a special about the German-French University, where the SLLS physics is also presented briefly on page 5. The journal as download.
Day of the open door at Universität des Saarlandes
Link to the official announcement

The Universität des Saarlandes offers the day of the open door at Sat. 24.06.2017. There is also an substantial full day program from the physical department, see here
Annual Meeting at 06.05.17

Julia Brunkert organized the annual meeting at 06.05.17. Thank you very much.
For details, please have a look on the german or french news site.
Annual dinner of the network

Following the award of the Bachelor / Master degrees, the Alumniverein SaarLorLuMNI e. V. , is organizing the annual network dinner in Luxembourg. Financial support is given by the DFH.
Exchange programme USA

Until 10.12.2016 it is possible to make an application to spend 1 or 2 semester in the USA, see and click on the image to get the link to the pdf.
Celebration of Bachelor/Master Certificates

At Friday, December 2nd 2016 we will celebrate the finalizations of our Bachelor/Master Cetificates of this year. The Ceremony will start at 5.00 pm in Luxembourg. Click on images for detalils.

The Association of alumnis of the Saar-Lor-Lux study program in physics and the Université de Lorraine in Nancy
invite you to join the AWARD CEREMONY for the best presentation of the Bachelor/Master thesis of students of the Saar-Lor-Lux study program in Physics.
The ceremony will take place Friday september 16th 2016, 13h30 at Université de Lorraine-Nancy- Amphi 7, 12 Rue Jacques Callot, 54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
The event is supported by the DFH.
Update: Photos of the meeting in the Pictures Galarie.
Webpage in English, French, and German now

Now, Our website is also available in English. Ya Chun Wang has translated the existing German page into English. She was a student of SLLS and has completed her Bachelor this year. In the future, I (Thomas) will post the news in English too. I'm not a native speaker and so, certainly it will sound a bit bumpy, I hope you will forgive me :-). Thanks to Ya Chun.
Online courses in Mathematics

For those who wish to prepare for the upcoming summer semester, an online mathematics course (OMB+) is now available. We recommend everyone to partake in order to refresh your maths skills prior to enrollment. Registration is required but it is worth it!
Technical terms in German, English and French

Professor Henkel from the University of Lorraine has prepared a 14-page glossary of specific technical terms in Mathematics and Physics, all in their German, English and French translations. It is available for download as a pdf file.
Presentation and registration day in Nancy on Friday 08.07.2016 from 10am

Please note in your calendar: we cordially invite you to join our presentation and registration day in Nancy on Friday 08.07.2016 from 10am. We would love to meet you there.
The official invitation with important information as pdf: .
UPDATE: Presentation day in Nancy is finished. We are happy to see 7 new students in the course. See also in Pictures Pictures.
Student representative - Julia Brunkert

Ms Julia Brunkert from the Saar-Lor-Lux bachelor course has been elected as our new student representative of DFH for the period 2016-2018.
Prof. Wagner as spokesman for the department of Mathematics - Computer Science, Engineering and Natural Sciences and Architecture

Prof. Wagner has been appointed as the program coordinator of the DFH for the department of Mathematics at the DFH annual meeting in Nizza.
Language course from 24.08.- 03.09.2016

There are still places available. For information and documents see
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find the enclosed documents for two language courses:
- for your French and German students, there is a summer school "Die Brücke" in Mulhouse from 24.08.2016 to 03.09 2016
- for your German students, there is an intensive French language course in Paris from 14.-27.08.2016
Best regards,
Hélène Dinter
Annual meeting on 14.05.2016 in Luxembourg

Our students have decided to hold this year's annual student meeting on Saturday 14th of May 2016, which will take place in Luxembourg. The meeting point is in front of the main train station at 14.30. If the weather permits, the students will have a picnic in a park. In the evening, students will dine at a restaurant in Luxembourg and afterwards chat at a bar etc. Thank you to Julia for organising the annual meeting this year.Photos of the meeting in the Photo Galarie..
Website now available in French

We have now launched a French version of our website, contributed by Béatrice Hallouet. I, the admin, do not speak French, therefore I am indebted to her for all her hard work in translating the entire site into French. Thank you Béatrice.
Redesigning the website - new coding

The previous website was constructed using Type3, which is no longer supported by system. A thorough update would be too complicated, therefore I decided to relaunch the site using only html, php and css. This combination should be able to last a few years without major modifications. In addition, we also wanted to create a layout that is more modern. I hope you like the site's new look. You can find the old website in the link belowLink .

Having had a look at the new "News" section, please do not hesitate to send me updates regarding the programme. Your web adminWebadmin , Thomas.
What happened 100 years ago today?...

The battle of Verdun took place, one of the highest point of conflict between Germany and France. Let us hope that history is never repeated and such hatred is never resurfaced. See
Wikipedia .

Award ceremony of the bachelor's and master's degrees

We congratulate our students who have successfully reached the end of their bachelor/masters this year. The tri-national bachelor degree is awarded to: Björn Steffen Krieger, Jonas Kutschmann, Simon Essink, Kathinka Gerlinger, Johannes Lumma, Christian Sand and Fabian Schicker, and the bi-national master's degree to Daniel Kaiser. His master's degree was the first of the bi-national masters issued jointly by the Saarland University and the University of Luxembourg. Until this day the master's programme was only collaborated between Germany and France.

The award ceremony was held in Nancy this year. Students who are currently studying in Luxembourg and Saarbrücken were invited to celebrate others' achievements. The night ended with a lively discourse among the students and the professors, accompanied by some light refreshments and a good atmosphere. See

On 21st of May 2015, our friend, former classmate and student, Daniel Oberlander, passed away unexpectedly at DLR at the Plataform Solar in Almeria, at the age of 30. Daniel studied in the Saar-Lor-Lux program from the year 2007 to 2012 at the Universities of Lorraine, Luxembourg and Saarbrücken. Daniel has not only shared his likable, cheerful and outgoing personality to those in his life, he also left beautiful and unforgettable memories to all that studied with him.
Our deepest condolence goes to Daniel's parents, family and friends. We wish from the bottom of our hearts that you find the strength to overcome the loss of Daniel.
In memory of Daniel
Students, alumni and programme coordinators of the Saar-Lor-Lux programme in Physics
End of enrollment for the year 2015/2016
Our new students of first year of the bachelor programme have enrolled on 1st of September in Nancy. The enrollments at the University of Luxembourg and Saarland University are also confirmed.
The Saar-Lor-Lux degree programme in the Saarbrücker Zeitung
"Physicists studying in three countries
In Saarland, the students benefit from the proximity to France and Luxembourg in a direct way. Together with its partner universities, Saarland University has many collaborations in the Franco-German studies. In the study programme of Physics, students are able to learn and carry out research in the same manner as a traditional Physics student, but in three countries... (the article follows .