Attention — Stop updating in English, look on the French or German side to be up to date. Thank you, Thomas.
Documents and downloads
On this page you will find important links related to the studies available for downloads.
Declarations and course schedules
Agreements of Bachelor SLLS-B

This document outlines the general guidelines and agreements between the three partner universities for the undergraduate programme.
Agreements of Master SLLS-M

This document outlines the general guidelines and agreements between the three partner universities for the undergraduate programme..
Course schedule of SLLS Bachelor

This schedule contains a list of lectures, exercise classes and practicals in the undergraduate studies. Subject to change.
Studienverlaufsplan SLLS-Master

This schedule contains a list of lectures, exercise classes and practicals in the graduate studies. Subject to change.
Application for admission for bachelor thesis

In the final year of the bachelor studies, students will choose a professor in his/her field of interest to complete the bachelor thesis. It is advisable to decide at an early time (January/February) which topic you would like to work on. The students are able to start before the official date to begin the thesis. The application here is to be signed by your professor and handed in to the examination secretary 10 weeks from the designated starting date. An extension of the working period is only possible with a medical certificate from a doctor, proving that you were indeed too ill to work. Addendum: it is also possible to complete your bachelor thesis in a company/other institutes, but the main supervisor must be a professor from our faculty.
Template for bachelor/master thesis

This LaTeX document was created by me (Thomas) and will help you to make a nicely-formatted work. The use of Latex to write your thesis is not absolutely necessary, but I highly recommend you to using it. If you choose to use this template, please remember to read the forewords in the pdf document.
Final grade calculation - Crediting Internships
Guidelines to creating the transcript of records and recognition of courses and practica

This guideline (in German) explains and shows how the final transcript of records of the bachelor's/master's degree is created. The gradings are presented in both the French and German systems. Moreover the procedure for crediting an internship to the 3. Year in Saarbrücken, with 5 ECTS is described.
Additional documents
Travel costs
Our students have the option to get reimbursed the travel costs which belong to program (meetings, award ceremonies, adavatising at the former school,ect). For this, the following two forms in German must be filled in (first page only) and sent together with the original tickets to me. Please note that the refund is an application which can be granted only for a given financial situation.


Reisekostenabrechnung with the original tickets